Dogood fund
What is the dogood fund?
The DoGood Fund was launched to fund sustainable and economical interventions across Africa. All interventions are selected on the basis that they have the ability to create a long-lasting positive impact on underserved communities – we are able to validate this through pilots. We believe these interventions will provide the foundations upon which grassroot communities can prosper.
We want as many people on this journey as possible. The DoGood Fund is a great place to start. Become a regular financial partner and see what we build together.
Partner with us
Why Should I Become a Funding Partner?
It is simple. By funding our pilot interventions, you help ensure interventions are designed for long-term success. It is one thing to draft a plan, but the key to this all is building trusting relationships with communities. By doing so you empower communities to come on the journey too. This is what the DoGood Fund does – it tests the people, process and technology interventions we are proposing. It verifies there is a sustainable solution that will benefit the community long into the future. View some of our pilot interventions here.
We encourage you to fund regularly if you are able. You can also be assured we would send updates on the progress of the pilot interventions you support and where exactly your funding has gone.
Join us today –; this is a worthy journey!